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Through extensive training in anatomy coupled with an innate sense of knowing where pressure is held in the body, Donna is able to locate, move and clear disturbances that lead to dis-ease.  Releasing the pressure valves brings the body into balance and promotes health and well-being.  

Together we will begin to create new thought patterns and behaviors resulting in an improved state of being.

Donna empowers you to envision a life of ease, joy and vitality.  Teaching you how to recognize the unconscious patterns in your body and life, so that you can consciously create and sustain the life you truly desire!


Benefits of a Polarity Therapy session:

  • Reduction of pain, leading to increased movement in the body

  • Calming the nervous system, bringing clarity of mind

  • Stress relief, allowing you to feel more energized and excited about life.




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​© 2021 The Well of Roswell

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